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ESL videos
Video lessons with quizzes for various levels. Interesting, based on a variety of films - TV shows, TED Talks etc. https://www.eslvideo.com/index.php
Learn English with “Friends”
Video lessons for various levels - with exercises! Based on the popular TV show - "Friends" https://eslvideo.com/series.php?id=Friends%20S.1
Construction English
Vocabulary that you can use with your Students who work in Real Estate
ESL Brains
ESL free and paid lesson worksheets for adult learners based on authentic videos, thought-provoking ideas and up-to-date topics. https://eslbrains.com/lesson/
The future of job search
This lesson focuses on a Ted Talk which talks about the possibilities of using algorithms for future job searches. It could be a good lesson for an adult class where all of the students have had experience being employed in