Cup of Polish
Krótkie teksty po polsku przygotowane przez lektorkę polskiego. Każda mini lekcja składa się z krótkiego nagrania, transkryptu i słowniczka. Cup of Polish - learning Polish materials
Look up, stop looking into your phone
A poem in a movie by Gary Turk about constantly looking into our phones. Movie from 2014 about how technology changed our lives. Could be used to discuss how it's changed even more due to the pandemic. Additionally - some exercises: 1. a
ESL videos
Video lessons with quizzes for various levels. Interesting, based on a variety of films - TV shows, TED Talks etc.
Learn English with “Friends”
Video lessons for various levels - with exercises! Based on the popular TV show - "Friends"
Guided Meditations with jellyfish!
Guided meditations with jellyfish from Monterey Bay Aquarium:
BBC Ideas – short films for curious minds
Authentic materials about science, philosophy, psychology, self-improvement and more.